Every week on schools across Metro New York, Seekers student leaders meet for Bible study, worship, outreach, fun and fellowship! In addition to the weekly club meetings and, citywide evangelism events, Seekers Christian Clubs promote “Lunch Band” prayer with Scripture readings. This provides an atmosphere where many inquiring students are exposed to hearing and interacting with the Scripture for the first time. The value of systematic reading and hearing the Bible daily is also strongly encouraged by citywide Seekers leadership.
In 1990 a student, David Sung of Townsend Harris HS, had a vision for a citywide day of Prayer, Proclamation and Evangelism. Jesus Day was to reach students outside of denominational lines and make a united statement to the youth populations of the city that Jesus is Lord! Since that time, Jesus Day has been celebrated every year on multiple campuses. Each campus may choose a different type of outreach, but the goal of sharing the love of Christ citywide remains the same.
In 1995, Seekers leaders decided to host a Unity Retreat to bring Seekers from all across Metro New York for a retreat of fellowship, across cultural and denominational lines. This retreat has continued strong over the years and is always run and organized by students.
Seekers travel to Uganda, West Africa,to visit and support the Abraham Seed Orphanage. We learned of this small work when we attended Africamp in 2011. Every January, college Seekers attend Africamp: a gathering of believers from all continents to hear about revival and spiritual growth. Throughout the year individual Seekers fellowships have raised money and awareness for Abraham Seed. We are beginning to travel with High School students to Uganda in summer of 2016.
Monthly Training Seminars
Monthly, Seekers leaders meet for training outside of their schools. Leaders are expected at these meetings, but all members are invited. Check out our Facebook page for an up to date list of the Monthly Training Seminars and their locations. In school year 2015-2016 we have moved from one Manhattan location to several monthly location and dates in multiple boroughs.